Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Poo Show

Since I have decided to name this blog about poop and being fantastic. So there will be a bit of disclosure about things both shitty and awesome and mostly inbetween (where I tend to live life) on my new 'web log'.

I decided I would launch my inaugural post by speaking of none other than poop itself. (Sidebar:: Thank you to Karen and Mike for inspiring me through fecal matter as usual).

Though completely normal at the time and a bit embarassing to admit now, I used to "host" a show called The Poo Show. Or some derivative of that name, I can't quite remember now. Now I put host in quotes because this was something as a child (I'm guessing between the ages of 8-11 yrs) I would do during my no. 2 time. It wasn't televised in real life but it certainly was to me. Now the Poo ShowPoo Show and my family moved away from that house. But recently I thought about that experience when I was using the bathroom somewhere that had a mirror directly facing me. I thought about doing a reunion show but better judgement stopped me. was only held when I was taking a dump in my parent's bathroom. The toilet in there was right next to the bathtub that had a three-pane sliding glass door. The middle pane was a mirror perfect for staring at yourself while sitting on the toilet for extended periods of time. I discovered the fact that I could stare at the mirror and talk to myself and then I decided what I would be doing would be a "broadcast." The poo show was on-the-air for a number of years with the same guest/host/you name it: me! Sometimes we'd talk about actual topics (kids I hated at school, the most recent Full House episode) and sometimes the talk would be just about the poo. That was the fun part. How was today's poo. Tough? Lumpy? Small? Big? I somehow eventually grew out of the

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